
Showing posts from November, 2023

UG TRB English - Unit wise Mock Test - Unit 2

UG TRB English Unit wise Mock Test  Unit 2 1. ASSSERTATION : Revenge is a kind of Wild justice. Reason 1 : It over rides the law. Reason 2 : It hinders the glory of a man to pass by an offence. Reason 3: It is irrevocable Reason 1 is the apt reason for the given asssertation Reason 2 is the apt reason for the given asssertation Reason 3 is  the apt reason for the given asssertation 2. As per Bacon's Of Studies a.To improve concentration - (i).  Read philosophers b.To improve our ability to discern  - (ii). Read Mathematics  c. To improve our ability to speak accordingly - (iii). Read Lawyers a - (i)   b - (iii)  c - (ii) a - (ii)  b - (i)  c - (iii) a - (iii) b - (i)  c - (ii) 3.  Where was Charles Lamb sitting throughout his dream in his essay ' Dream Children'. Living room Sofa On his bed Bachelor Arm Chair 4. The character Sir Roger De Coverley was created by Richard Steel Joseph Addison Both Steel and Addison 5. He has a small estate of his own and he is the

UG TRB English - Fast expreXx - 8 / 50 - Stop 3

UG TRB English Fast exprexx 8 / 50  Stop 3 Can you score 15 / 15? 1. The Importance of Being Earnest was originally subtitled as A Trivial Comedy for Serious People A Serious Comedy for Trivial People A Serious Comedy for Serious People Answer: A Serious Comedy for Trivial People 2. Choose the correct one regarding the play ' Importance of Being Earnest'  It was 1st performed in 1895 It is a Tragi-Comedy It is written by H G Wells Answer : It was 1st performed in 1895 3. Choose the odd one  The Lady's World Lady Windermere's Fan A Women of No Importance  Answer : The Lady's World  ( Magazine ) 4. Statement 1 : The story of The Importance of Being Earnest is set in Ireland in the 1890s Statement 2 : Some characters in the story lead double life. Both statements are true. Statement 1 is true Statement 2 is true Answer : statement 2 is true 5. Choose the correct pair Jack Worthing - Gwendolyn Fairfax Algernon Moncrief   - Miss Prism Dr. Chasuble - Cecily Ca

UG TRB English - Unit Wise Mock Test - Unit 1

UG TRB English Unit Wise Mock Test Unit 1 1. The Age of Shakespeare 1625 - 1660 1557 - 1625 1400 - 1557 Answer : 1557 - 1625 Explanation: 1625 - 1660 - Age of Milton 1557 - 1625 - Age of Shakespeare 1400 - 1557 - From Chaucer to Tottel's Miscellany 2. The Age of Dryden  1625 - 1660 1660 - 1700 1700 - 1745 Answer : 1660 - 1700 Explanation:  1625 to 1600 - Age of Milton 1660 to 1700 - The Age of Dryden 1700 to 1745 - The Age of Pope 3.The Age of Tennyson comes after The Age of Wordsworth The Johnson The Age of Pope Answer : The Age of Wordsworth Explanation:  The Age of Pope - 1700 - 1745 The Age of Johnson - 1745 - 1798 The Age of Wordsworth - 1798 - 1832 The Age of Tennyson - 1832 - 1887 4. It is regarded as the early form of English speech Anglo-norman Anglo Saxon French Answer : Anglo Saxon Explanation: The English of the 14th century grew out of the Anglo Saxon of the 5th century by a regular course of evolution 5. The author of Beowulf is Cynewulf Caedmon Unknown An

UG TRB English - Topic Test - I Have a Dream

UG TRB English Topic test I Have a Dream Can you score 15 / 15 ? 1. When was the speech "I Have a Dream" delivered? 1963 1973 1983 2. ' Five score years ago' means 50 years 100 years 150 years 3.  The Dream was deeply rooted in the Dream of Independence Equality Dream American Dream 4. When was the Emancipation of Proclamation declared 1863 1864 1865 5.  I Have a Dream is a speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr Abraham Lincoln John F Kennedy 6. The speech ' I Have a Dream ' was delivered at President's House Lincoln's Memorial At a Church 7. Martin Luther King Jr won Nobel Prize for Literature Science Peace 8. ' Five Score years ago a great American in whose symbolic shadow....' who is the great American mentioned here? Martin Luther King Jr Abraham Lincoln John F Kennedy 9. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against Racial discrimination Caste discrimination Class discrimination 10. Martin Luther dreams that one day his children wou

UG TRB English - Topic Test - Gettysburg Address

UG TRB English Topic Test The Gettysburg Address 1. The Gettysburg Address was given my Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King Mahatma Gandhi 2. Gettysburg Address was delivered on Nov 19, 1864 Nov 19, 1863 Nov 19, 1862 3. In the phrase " four score and seven years ago" , the meaning of four score 100 years 80 years 70 years 4. The nation of Abraham Lincoln was conceived in  Liberty Fraternity Eqality 5. Statement A : Gettysburg Address was given on the occasion of the Dedication of the National cemetery in Gettysburg Statement B : The memorial was eracted for the deceased soldiers of WWI Statement A is true and Statement B is the correct following information for Statement A Statement A is false but Statement B is true Statement A is True but Statement B is false 6.  Choose the equivalent meaning for detract Take away from Add with Explaining  7. Choose the final line or phrase from The Gettysburg Address That duty should be ensured by all. It is altogether fitting a

UG TRB English - Topic Test - Gettysburg Address

UG TRB English Topic Test The Gettysburg Address 1. The Gettysburg Address was given my Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King Mahatma Gandhi 2. Gettysburg Address was delivered on Nov 19, 1864 Nov 19, 1863 Nov 19, 1862 3. In the phrase " four score and seven years ago" , the meaning of four score 100 years 80 years 70 years 4. The nation of Abraham Lincoln was conceived in  Liberty Fraternity Eqality 5. Statement A : Gettysburg Address was given on the occasion of the Dedication of the National cemetery in Gettysburg Statement B : The memorial was eracted for the deceased soldiers of WWI Statement A is true and Statement B is the correct following information for Statement A Statement A is false but Statement B is true Statement A is True but Statement B is false 6.  Choose the equivalent meaning for detract Take away from Add with Explaining  7. Choose the final line or phrase from The Gettysburg Address That duty should be ensured by all. It is altogether fitting a

UG TRB English - Fast expreXX - 7 / 50 - Stop 3 - Test on Age of Hardy and Present Age

UG TRB ENGLISH ALL FOR TEACHING Fast expreXX 7 / 50  Stop 3 Test on  Age of Hardy Present Age 1. Age of Hardy is A. 1887 - 1928 B. 1930 - 1955 C. 1832 - 1887 2. His early poems employed ' the decor of the town' A.  Oscar Wilde  B. Aubrey Breadsley C. Arthur Symons 3. The three fold faculty displayed in Hardy's work are A. Sequence, suspence, comic B. Largeness, minuteness, intensity of vision C. Unity of time, place, proportion  4. A Shropshire Lad was a work by A. A. E. Houseman B. Robert Bridges C. Francis Thompson  5. He is a popular war poet A. Robert Bridges  B. Rupert Brooke C. John Masefield 6. Who suceeded Robert Bridges as Poet Laureate  A. John Masefield  B. Ralph Hodgson C. Henry Arthur Jones 7. Heart Break House is a work by A. G B Shaw B. William Butler Yeats C. Lady Gregory  8. This work is modelled upon Homer's Odyssey A. Utopia  B. An English Journey C. Ulysses 9. When did the shipwreck denoted in The Wreck of the Deutschland happen? A. 1875

UG TRB English - Unit 6 & 7 - Poem - Quiz

UG TRB English Unit 6 & 7 Poem Can you score 50/50? 1. The Tiger and the Deer by Sri Aurobindo was published in a. On Quantitative Metre b. The Life Divine C. Synthesis of Yoga 2. The Tiger has a soft soundless paws of grandeur and  A. Beauty B. Knowledge C. Murder 3. Meaning of perturb A. Make upset B. Make delighted C. Make thankful 4. The final line of Aurobindo's The Tiger and the beast A. " Death leaped on the beautiful wild deer as it drank." B. " Destroyed, the mild harmless beauty by the strong cruel beauty" C. " The slain survive the slayer" 5. Aurobindo's International yoga centre is at A. Pondicherry  B. Madurai C. Chennai  6. Savitri : A Legend and a symbol, an epic poem written by A. Sarojini Naidu  B. Sri Aurobindo  C. Kalidas 7. The Deer died remembering its A. God B. Fawn C. Mate 8. T. S. Eliot wrote poems for Ariel series during A. 1926 - 1931 B. 1928 - 1931 C.1927 - 1931 9. Choose the correct one A. The Journey  of

UG TRB English - Fast expreXX series - 6 / 50 / Quiz / Age of Wordsworth and Age of Tennyson

UG TRB English Fast expreXX series 6 / 50 Quiz Age of Wordsworth Age of Tennyson 1. Who supported the earlier rules of poetry by saying like this, " poetry has this much in common with religion, that it standards were fixed long ago by certain inspired writers, whose authority it is no longer lawful to call in question" a. Lord Jeffrey b. Lord Macaulay C. Lord Tennyson  2. Wordsworth was made poet laureate during a.1770 b.1843 c.1850 3. The romantic aspect in lyrical ballads was represented by a.  William Wordsworth b. S.T. Coleridge  c. Robert Southey 4. He is known as " the kneenest eyed of all modern poets for what is deep and essential in nature" a. William Wordsworth b. S.T. Coleridge  c. Robert Southey 5. Panticocracy is a term related to a. Milton b. Tennyson c. Coleridge 6.Walter Scott a. 1788 - 1824 b. 1771 - 1832 c. 1772 - 1834 7.  It is a reply written by Byron to Edinburg for their review on ' Hours of Idleness' a.  English Bards and