UG TRB English - Unit Wise Mock Test - Unit 1

UG TRB English
Unit Wise Mock Test
Unit 1

1. The Age of Shakespeare

1625 - 1660

1557 - 1625

1400 - 1557

Answer : 1557 - 1625

Explanation: 1625 - 1660 - Age of Milton
1557 - 1625 - Age of Shakespeare
1400 - 1557 - From Chaucer to Tottel's Miscellany

2. The Age of Dryden 

1625 - 1660

1660 - 1700

1700 - 1745

Answer : 1660 - 1700

1625 to 1600 - Age of Milton
1660 to 1700 - The Age of Dryden
1700 to 1745 - The Age of Pope

3.The Age of Tennyson comes after

The Age of Wordsworth

The Johnson

The Age of Pope

Answer : The Age of Wordsworth

The Age of Pope - 1700 - 1745
The Age of Johnson - 1745 - 1798
The Age of Wordsworth - 1798 - 1832
The Age of Tennyson - 1832 - 1887

4. It is regarded as the early form of English speech


Anglo Saxon


Answer : Anglo Saxon

Explanation: The English of the 14th century grew out of the Anglo Saxon of the 5th century by a regular course of evolution

5. The author of Beowulf is




Answer : Unknown

Explanation : Beowulf is an Anglo Saxon poetry by some unknown Northumbrain poet.

6. Brut is a poem by

William Langland



Answer  : Layamon

Explanation : Layamon was a parish priest of Worcestershire. His poem ' Brut ' has some 30000 lines, contains the legendary history of ancient Britain.

7. He is considered as the first national English poet

Edmund Spenser

John Dryden

Geoffrey Chaucer

Answer : Geoffrey Chaucer

8. She is known as the Morning Star of the Reformation

Geoffrey Chaucer


John Wycliffe

Answer : John Wycliffe

Explanation : He spent his life to the great task of reviving spiritual Christianity in England.

9. Chaucer made pointed reference to Petrarch and Boccacio in his

Prologue to the Cleark's Tale

Prologue to the Nun's Tale 

Prologue to the Wife of Bath's Tale

Answer : Prologue to the Cleark's Tale

10. This work of Chaucer Boccacio's Filastrato

The legend of Good women

Troylus and Cryseyde

The Boke of the Duchess

Answer : Troilus and Criseyde

11. It is the finest narrative work in the Canterbury Tales

Knight's Tale

Clerk's Tale

Nun's Tale 

Answer : Knight's Tale 

Explanation : This tale is based on Boccacio's Teseide

12. He is known as the Morning Star of Renaissance

John Dryden


Geoffrey Chaucer

Answer : Geoffrey Chaucer 

13. Chaucer dedicated his Troylus and Cryseyde to

John Barbour

William Langland

John Gower

Answer : John Gower

Explanation : Mentioned him as the ' moral Gower '

14. Treatise on Astrolabe was written by

Geoffrey Chaucer

John Gower

John Wycliffe

Answer : Geoffrey Chaucer

Explanation: It was written for his son.

15. War of Roses were fought during 

1455 to 1486

1465 to 1496

1475 to 1506

Answer : 1455 - 1486

Explanation: It was fought between Houses of York and Lancaster.

16. The Governail of Princess was written by

Thomas Hoccleve

John Lydgate

Geoffrey Chaucer

Answer : Thomas Hoccleve

Explanation: In its Prologue he laments about Chaucer's death

17. Tennyson's Idylls of the king was largely based on

Malory's Travels of Mandeville

Malory's Governail of Princess

Malory's Morte D' Arthur

Answer : Malory's Morte D' Arthur

Explanation : Malory's Morte D' Arthur is a compilation made from a number of French romances dealing with different portion of the vast cycle of legends which have grown up about king Arthur and his knights of the round table .

18. William Tyndale's English New Testament




Answer : 1535

19. Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia was much inspired by

Dante's Eloquentia de vulgari

Plato's Republic

Aristotle's Poetics

Answer : Plato's Republic

Explanation : describe about an ideal state of society.

20. It is the earliest known dramatic representation

St. Katherine

Four P's

Tragedy of Dido

Answer: St. Katherine

Explanation: A Latin play performed at Dunstable about 1110

21. The competition in John Heywood's Four P's is

To find out who can speak clearly

To find out who can run faster

To find out who can tell the biggest lie

Answer: To find out who can tell the biggest lie

Explanation : Four P's, a dialogue in which a Palmer, a Pardoner, a Pothecary and a Pedlar exchange racy stories, and finally enter into competition as to which of them can tell the biggest lie.

22. It is the first play to use blank verse

Four P's


Roister Doister

Answer : Gorboduc

Explanation: Gorboduc ( also known as Ferrex and Porrex) is based on Geoffrey of Monmouth's history, and was written by Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton.

23. Age of Shakespeare starts with the

Accession of Elizabeth

Death of James I

Accession of James I

Answer : Accession of Elizabeth

Explanation: The Age of Shakespeare

1558 - 1625

24. It is the first regular verse satire in English language

Mac Flecnoe

The Steele Glas

Falls of Princes

Answer : The Steele Glase

Explanation: The Steele Glase (1576) of George Gadcoigne possesses some interest as the 1st regular verse satire in the English language.

25. Amoretti series has

80 sonnets

88 sonnets

90 sonnets

Answer : 88 sonnets

Explanation: Amoretti - Spenser

Answer and Explanation:


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