UG TRB English - Unit wise Mock Test - Unit 2

UG TRB English
Unit wise
Mock Test 
Unit 2

1. ASSSERTATION : Revenge is a kind of Wild justice.
Reason 1 : It over rides the law.
Reason 2 : It hinders the glory of a man to pass by an offence.
Reason 3: It is irrevocable

Reason 1 is the apt reason for the given asssertation

Reason 2 is the apt reason for the given asssertation

Reason 3 is the apt reason for the given asssertation

2. As per Bacon's Of Studies

a.To improve concentration - (i). Read philosophers

b.To improve our ability to discern  - (ii). Read Mathematics 

c. To improve our ability to speak accordingly - (iii). Read Lawyers

a - (i)   b - (iii)  c - (ii)

a - (ii)  b - (i)  c - (iii)

a - (iii) b - (i)  c - (ii)

3.  Where was Charles Lamb sitting throughout his dream in his essay ' Dream Children'.

Living room Sofa

On his bed

Bachelor Arm Chair

4. The character Sir Roger De Coverley was created by

Richard Steel

Joseph Addison

Both Steel and Addison

5. He has a small estate of his own and he is the next heir to Sir Roger

The Templer 

Will Honey Comb

Captain Sentry

6. Eftsoon

Soon before

Soon after

Very late

7. The eternal summer mentiond by Shakespeare is

The beauty of the Fair youth

The summer season of the Year

The youth of the Fairyouth

8. The great forbidder as per Eve is




9.  The Lamb is the personification of


Young child


10. The Bait was inspired by

Shepheard's Calendar

The Passionate Shepherd to his Love

The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd

11. It is Sidney's work

Astrophel and Stella


Stella the Star

12. This work describes the involvement of music in both the makings of the universe and the subtleties of human emotion and piety.

Ode on Solitude

Astrophel and Stella

Song for st. Cecilia's Day

13. ' Happy the man' - When?

i. He has hereditary share of land.

ii. He has trees to give him shade and fire.

iii. He has relatives to cry when he pass away

All are correct

Only one statement is correct

Two statements are correct

14. How many lines are there in the final soliloquy of Dr. Faustus




15. In which act of Pygmalion the sensational swear word Eliza used come

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

16. Where did Algernon Moncrief saw the inscription

Cigerette Lighter case

Pen case

None of the above

17. Who has helped Vicar in producing evidence against Squire on his act of kidnapping Sophia?




18. Mr . Pegotty's share their living space with


Mrs. Gummidge


19.  Sequence the order

i. The time traveller accidentally sets the forest on fire.

ii. Weena stuffs the time travelers pockets with flowers

iii. The time traveler descents into one of the well.

iv.  The Time Traveler lectures about the fourth dimension.

i       ii      iii     iv

iv     iii      ii      i

Iii     ii       i       iv

20. The Palace of Green Porcelain is actually a


Marlock's place

Art gallery

21. David Copperfield born

4 months after the death of his father

5 months after the death of his father

6 months after the death of his father

22. Why Mr. Wilmot cancelled his daughter's wedding

He was offended by the Vicar's idea on Marriage

He didn't like the groom

As Vicar's family fell into misfortune, he backed up

23. Oscar Wilde belonged to

Romantic movement

Neo - Classical movement

Decadent Movement

24. It is not a habbit of Higgins.

Writing letters in short hand

Giving intense attention to his actions

Speaking politely with everyone

25. Which one had cloven feet?

She devil

He devil



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