UG TRB English - Fast expreXX - 7 / 50 - Stop 3 - Test on Age of Hardy and Present Age

Fast expreXX
7 / 50 
Stop 3
Test on 
Age of Hardy
Present Age

1. Age of Hardy is

A. 1887 - 1928

B. 1930 - 1955

C. 1832 - 1887

2. His early poems employed ' the decor of the town'

A.  Oscar Wilde 

B. Aubrey Breadsley

C. Arthur Symons

3. The three fold faculty displayed in Hardy's work are

A. Sequence, suspence, comic

B. Largeness, minuteness, intensity of vision

C. Unity of time, place, proportion 

4. A Shropshire Lad was a work by

A. A. E. Houseman

B. Robert Bridges

C. Francis Thompson 

5. He is a popular war poet

A. Robert Bridges 

B. Rupert Brooke

C. John Masefield

6. Who suceeded Robert Bridges as Poet Laureate 

A. John Masefield 

B. Ralph Hodgson

C. Henry Arthur Jones

7. Heart Break House is a work by

A. G B Shaw

B. William Butler Yeats

C. Lady Gregory 

8. This work is modelled upon Homer's Odyssey

A. Utopia 

B. An English Journey

C. Ulysses

9. When did the shipwreck denoted in The Wreck of the Deutschland happen?

A. 1875

B. 1876

C. 1877

10. Under Milk Wood is a work by

A. W. H. Auden

B. Dylan Thomas

C. Stephen Spender

11. This work of Walter De La Mare contains delightful poems for children 

A. Peacock pie 

B. Memoirs of a Midget

C. Left Hand, Right Hand

12. The Hill of Devi is a work by

A. E. M. Forster

B. Virginia Woolf 

C. James Joyce

13. How many novels did E. M. Forster write in his writing career?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

14. Antic Hay is a novel by

A. Aldous Huxley

B. D H  Lawrence 

C. George Orwell

15. Life of Marlborough was written by

A. Terence Rattigan

B. Benjamin Disraeli

C. Winston Churchill 

Answer key and explanation: 


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