UG TRB English - Unit 6 & 7 - Poem - Quiz

UG TRB English
Unit 6 & 7
Can you score 50/50?
1. The Tiger and the Deer by Sri Aurobindo was published in

a. On Quantitative Metre

b. The Life Divine

C. Synthesis of Yoga

2. The Tiger has a soft soundless paws of grandeur and 

A. Beauty

B. Knowledge

C. Murder

3. Meaning of perturb

A. Make upset

B. Make delighted

C. Make thankful

4. The final line of Aurobindo's The Tiger and the beast

A. " Death leaped on the beautiful wild deer as it drank."

B. " Destroyed, the mild harmless beauty by the strong cruel beauty"

C. " The slain survive the slayer"

5. Aurobindo's International yoga centre is at

A. Pondicherry 

B. Madurai

C. Chennai 

6. Savitri : A Legend and a symbol, an epic poem written by

A. Sarojini Naidu 

B. Sri Aurobindo 

C. Kalidas

7. The Deer died remembering its

A. God

B. Fawn

C. Mate

8. T. S. Eliot wrote poems for Ariel series during

A. 1926 - 1931

B. 1928 - 1931

C.1927 - 1931

9. Choose the correct one

A. The Journey  of the Magi was written during 1927

B. The Journey of the Magi was written during 1932

C. The Journey of the Magi was written during 1930.

10. What do you mean by 'galled'

A. To become resistant

B. To make someone upset or angry because of unfair treatment

C. To Complain

11. Magi preferred to travel

A. During night

B. During day

C.  No preference given

12. Illustrations for the poem ' The Journey of the Magi' given by

A. Edward McKnight Kauffer 

B. David Lindsay 

C.  John Donne

13.  It is the second poem given to The Ariel series by T.S. Eliot

A. Marina

B. A Song for Simeon

C. Journey of the Magi

14. Arrange the below in chronological order   
         1. Triumphal March
         2. A Song for Simeon
         3. Journey of the Magi
         4. Marina
         5. Animula

A. 5 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3

B. 4 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 5

C. 3 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 1

15. It is Dylen Thomas's 1st book

A. 25 poems

B. 18 poems

C. 20 poems

16. This work describes Dylen Thomas's joys at his country house.

A. 18 poems 

B. A Child's Christmas in Wales 

C. Fern Hill

17. It is a story written by Dylan Thomas

A. Portrait of the Artist as a Young  Dog

B. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

C. Portrait of the Artist as a Old Man

18.  How the people in the park address the Hunchback

A. Master 

B. Hunchback 

C. Mister

19. The Hunchback drinks water from

A. River 

B. Tap

C. Fountain 

20. Where does the Hunchback sleep at night

A. Park bench

B. Dog kennel

C. Security Room

21. The park where the Hunchback is staying is full of

A. Oak Trees

B. Cherry Trees

C. Willow Trees 

22. It is Vikram Seth's 1st volume of poetry.

A. From Heaven Lake

B. Mappings

C. Beastly Tales from here and there

23. It is a humours travelogue by Vikram Seth

A. All you who sleep tonight 

B. From Heaven Lake 

C. Summer Requim

24. Seth's ' Beastly Tales from here and there' were written in

A. Octosyllabic Couplets 

B. Tetrametre couplets

C. Free verse

25. Children ride on buffaloes for 

A. Dinner

B. Supper

C. Lunch

26. During the evenings, the Wheats becomes

A. Golden in colour

B. Black in colour

C. Red in colour

27. Which is the best time for Wheat?

A. Morning

B. Afternoon

C. Evening

28. Which animal is not mentioned in the poem ' Evening wheat'

A. Dogs

B. Buffalo

C. Pigs

29. Nissim Ezekiel was born in 

A. 1924

B. 1925

C. 1926

30. The Jewish community Ezekiel belonged to was known as

A. Indo Jewish

B. Jewish Indian

C. Bane Isreal

31. Nissim Ezekiel worked as an art critic for

A. Times of India

B. Imprint

C. Poetry India 

32. Nissim Ezekiel was a recipient of

A.  Padma Vibhusan award

B. Padma Bhusan award

C. Padma Shri award

33. Good bye party for Miss. Pushpa is

A. A farewell poem

B. A parody of the way Indian use the English Language

C. Achievements of women in life

34. 'Naipul's India and Mine' is an essay written by

A. Nissim Ezekiel 

B. Vikram Seth 

C. Kamala Das

35. Goodbye party for Miss Puspa is from

A. A Time to Change

B. Hymns in Darkness

C. Bapu poems

36. ' An Introduction' is a poem written by

A. Madhavikutty

B. Nissim Ezekiel

C. Sylvia Plath

37.  An Introduction speaks about

A.  All pervasive system controlling women's lives

B. Proper way to introducing 

C. Marriage and its hardships 

38. " He drew a youth of sixteen into...." the youth refers to

A. Poet's husband 

B. The poet

C. Poet's lover

39. In ' An Introduction' what is the demand of the categorizers to the poet?

A. Wearing saree

B. Sit on the walls

C. Act as per society's rules

40. In 'An Introduction' the man Kamala Das met is called as

A. Amy

B. Her lover 

C. No name is given

41. Who was the beloved and the betrayed

A. Poet

B. Poet's lover 

C. Poet's husband 

42. Kamala Das calls herself as 

A. I

B. Madhavi

C. Kamala

43. The poet covers how many phases of his mother's life in the poem ' Of Mothers among other things'

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

44. What is contextual meaning of the phrase ' I smell upon'

A. I smell

B. I remember

C. I see

45. The present condition of the poet's mother is like 

A. The twisted blackbone tree

B. Silk and Whitepetal

C. The green forest

46. How many diamonds were  there in his mother's earrings

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

47. In ' Of Mothers among other things' the Mother is compared to 

A. An eagle

B. A crow

C. Rain

48. The second part of the ' Of Mothers among other things ' deals with the

A. Young Age of Mother

B. Middle Age of Mother

C. Old Age of Mother

49. ' Tack ' means

A. Long stitch

B. Short stitch

C. Narrow stitch

50. How does the poet feels to see his mother at her old age

A. Curious 

B. Happy

C. Sorrowful 

Answer Key and explanation:


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