UG TRB English - Topic Test - I Have a Dream

UG TRB English
Topic test
I Have a Dream
Can you score 15 / 15 ?

1. When was the speech "I Have a Dream" delivered?




2. ' Five score years ago' means

50 years

100 years

150 years

3.  The Dream was deeply rooted in the

Dream of Independence

Equality Dream

American Dream

4. When was the Emancipation of Proclamation declared




5.  I Have a Dream is a speech delivered by

Martin Luther King Jr

Abraham Lincoln

John F Kennedy

6. The speech ' I Have a Dream ' was delivered at

President's House

Lincoln's Memorial

At a Church

7. Martin Luther King Jr won Nobel Prize for




8. ' Five Score years ago a great American in whose symbolic shadow....' who is the great American mentioned here?

Martin Luther King Jr

Abraham Lincoln

John F Kennedy

9. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against

Racial discrimination

Caste discrimination

Class discrimination

10. Martin Luther dreams that one day his children would be identified not because of their skin but by the content of their 




11. Nobel prize for peace was given to Martin Luther King Jr. in




12. Let freedom ring from

Lookout mountain of Tennessee

Lookout mountain of Georgia

Lookout mountain of Mississippi

13. The dream Martin Luther King Jr is having is

Equal treatment of white child and black child

Travel to many countries

To become president

14. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the famous speech on

28 Aug 1963

27 Aug 1963

26 Aug 1963

15.  When does the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

28 Aug 1963 

27 Aug 1963

26 Aug 1963

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