UG TRB English - Fast expreXX series - 6 / 50 / Quiz / Age of Wordsworth and Age of Tennyson

UG TRB English
Fast expreXX series
6 / 50
Age of Wordsworth
Age of Tennyson

1. Who supported the earlier rules of poetry by saying like this, " poetry has this much in common with religion, that it standards were fixed long ago by certain inspired writers, whose authority it is no longer lawful to call in question"

a. Lord Jeffrey

b. Lord Macaulay

C. Lord Tennyson 

2. Wordsworth was made poet laureate during




3. The romantic aspect in lyrical ballads was represented by

a.  William Wordsworth

b. S.T. Coleridge 

c. Robert Southey

4. He is known as " the kneenest eyed of all modern poets for what is deep and essential in nature"

a. William Wordsworth

b. S.T. Coleridge 

c. Robert Southey

5. Panticocracy is a term related to

a. Milton

b. Tennyson

c. Coleridge

6.Walter Scott

a. 1788 - 1824

b. 1771 - 1832

c. 1772 - 1834

7.  It is a reply written by Byron to Edinburg for their review on ' Hours of Idleness'

a.  English Bards and Scotch Reviewers

b. Areopagitica

c. The Corsair

8. Queen Mab is written by

a. Tennyson 


c. Shelley 

9. It is prosoic in nature

a. Wordsworth' Excursion

b. Shelley's Odes

c. Coleridge's Christabel

10. Endymion and Hyperion are related to

a. Byron

b. Keats

C. Shelley

11. The pen name of Marian Evans

a. George Eliot

b. George Borrow

c. Antony George

12. It is Dickens's unfinished work

a. Pickwick Papers

b. A Tale of Two Cities

c. Edwin Drood

13.  For Salsette and Elephenta Ruskin won

a. Nobel prize

b. Newdigate Prize

c. Booker Prize

14. It is Browning's  earliest work

a. Bells and Pomegranates

b. Easter Day

c. Pauline

15. Tennyson was made Poet Laureate during

a. 1850

b. 1809

c. 1893


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