UG TRB English - Topic Test - Gettysburg Address

UG TRB English
Topic Test
The Gettysburg Address

1. The Gettysburg Address was given my

Abraham Lincoln

Martin Luther King

Mahatma Gandhi

2. Gettysburg Address was delivered on

Nov 19, 1864

Nov 19, 1863

Nov 19, 1862

3. In the phrase " four score and seven years ago" , the meaning of four score

100 years

80 years

70 years

4. The nation of Abraham Lincoln was conceived in 




5. Statement A : Gettysburg Address was given on the occasion of the Dedication of the National cemetery in Gettysburg
Statement B : The memorial was eracted for the deceased soldiers of WWI

Statement A is true and Statement B is the correct following information for Statement A

Statement A is false but Statement B is true

Statement A is True but Statement B is false

6.  Choose the equivalent meaning for detract

Take away from

Add with


7. Choose the final line or phrase from The Gettysburg Address

That duty should be ensured by all.

It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this

That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth

8. Gettysburg is located in


San Francisco

Washington DC

9. It is the deadliest battle of American Civil war

War of Pennsylvania

War of Gettysburg

War of  Indiana

10. The incident referred here by the ' four score and seven years ago' phrase is

End of Slavery act

American Declaration of Independence

American Civil war

11. In the Gettysburg event, who has given speech before Abraham Lincoln

Edward Evarett

TH Stockton

L Baugher

12. It is considered as the standard text of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

Everett copy

Bancroft copy

Bliss copy

13. It is often called as the first draft of Gettysburg Address

Nicoley Copy

Hay Copy

Bliss copy

14. The short famous speech of The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln has only

271 words

280 words

300 words

15. How many known manuscripts are there for The Gettysburg Address




Answer key and explanation


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