
UG TRB English - Unit 8 - Mock Test

UG TRB English Unit 8 Mock Test 1. It is a way a speaker uses languages differently in different circumstances. Idiolect  Register Isogloss 2. Choose the correct one . There are three main air stream mechanism. There are four main air stream mechanism. There are five main air stream mechanism. 3. Velaric   ingressive mechanism is used in African   languages Indian languages European languages 4. The extreme edge of the tongue is called the blade tip root 5. Affricates Complete closure and slow release Complete closure and sudden release air passes through the articulators intermittently 6.For some consonants, the active articulator   strikes against the passive articulator once and   then quickly flaps    forward. Such consonants are   called  trills or rolled consonants Fricatives taps or flaps 7. In the velar sounds, the active articulator is Front of the tongue back of the tongue root of the tongue 8. Find the odd one. /u/ /u:/ /i/ 9.Cardinal vowels are classified depend

UG TRB English Unit 7 Mock Test

UG TRB English Unit 7 Mock Test 1. According to Robert Willson Lynd, who had so bad a memory that he could always read an old book as though he had never read it before. Robert Willson Lynd Montaigne The English Novelist  2. The pseudonym of Robert Wilson Lynd is Rob Will Mary Rose Y Y Lynd 3. Russel cites some leaders as the examples of leaders who can successfully combine knowledge and wisdom. Choose the leader who was not mentioned by him. Queen Elizabeth I of England Henry IV of England Abraham Lincoln 4. According to Russel, wise person possess Insight Foresight Both 5. Forester prefers Nazi way Democratic way Republic way 6. According to E M Forster  i. Forster agree with those people who believe that love is needed to rebuild civilization. ii. He admitted that love is a great force in private life. iii. Tolerance is very dull and boring and negative but it is the sound state of mind needed after the war. Only one statement is correct and other two statements are wron

UG TRB English Unit 6 Mock Test

UG TRB English Unit 6 Mock Test 1. Choose the correct one(s) i. Non-violence is not greater than and superior to brute force. ii.Non-violence affords the fullest protection to one's self-respect and sense of honour and it is a better bulwark than the possession of armed men to defend any possession. iii.Individuals or nations who would practice non-violence must be prepared to sacrifice their all except honour. iv. It gives assistance in the defence of ill-gotten gains and immoral acts. only i ii and iii ii and iv 2. According to Gandhiji, 'Rightly taken, food sustains the body; rightly practiced non-violence sustains the  Soul Moral Character  3. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan in his 'The World Community' quoted from Shakespeare's Richard III Edward II  Richard II 4. According to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, nationalism has hold of all people's mind is the will of the people who abstain racial discrimination has lost its drive 5. Select the sentence which has the me

UG TRB English Unit 5 Mock Test

UG TRB English Unit 5 Mock Test 1. According to Emerson, which is the way to greatness? Identifying the originality of thought Imitating what others belive Walking on the path of great thinkers 2. The original typed manuscript of the speech ' I Have a Dream' was with whom for a long time? Martin Kepyers Geroge Raveling Mahalia Jackson 3. He has called The Gettysburg Address as ' monumental act'. Abraham Lincoln Senetor Charles Sumnor Colonel Alexander Bliss 4. From which chapter of  Walden Pond by H D Thoreau the excerpt ' The Battle of Ants' was  taken Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 5. According to Emerson, the scholar is  Man doing Man studying Man thinking 6. West Running Brook was written by R W Emerson Robert Frost T S Eliot 7. "The word of the sweetest song and all songs, That strong and delicious word which, creeping to my feet" These lines are taken from Out of the Cradle, Endlessly Rocking I Felt a Funeral Nature 8. The final wor

UG TRB English Unit 4 Mock Test

UG TRB English Unit 4 Mock Test 1. The Solitary Reaper starts with a / an Apostrophe Simile Metaphor 2. Behold her, single in the field, Yon solitary Highland Lass! 'Yon' means? She Beautiful That 3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Kubla Khan was disturbed by Person from london Person from Porlock Person from Norfolk 4. The manuscript of Kubla Khan is known as Crewe manuscript Taylor's manuscript Can manuscript 5. Ode to the Nightingale was published in Annals of the Unique arts Annals of the Village arts Annals of the Fine arts 6. 'One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:' are lines taken from Ode to Psyche Ode to a Nightingale Ode to Autumn 7. Ozymandias was the name of the paroah Ramesses II Ramesses I Ramesses III 8. "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Where was the lines written? On the visage On the pedestal On the crown 9. 'Sardello' was written by Robert Browning P B Shelley John Kea

UG TRB English - Unit Wise Mock Test - Unit 3

UG TRB English Unit Wise Mock Test Unit 3 1. " He knew small Latin and less Greek" is a comment about Shakespeare by Robert Greene Ben Johnson Samuel Johnson 2. Shakespeare acquainted himself with Lord Chamberlain's company Lord Admiral's company Drury Lane acting troop 3.  As per noted in the 1609 collection of Shakespeare's sonnets by Thomas Thrope, who is regarded as the " onlie begetter" of the sonnets William Herbert Thomas Thrope Mr W H 4. Shakespearean sonnet is divided into  Four parts Three parts Two parts 5. Who mocked the cult of Shakespeare worship as "bardolatry"? Thomas Carlyle  G B Shaw Dryden " I admire Johnson, but I love Shakespeare" 6.  Lupercal Race involves Lamb skin whip Goatskin Whip Jute Whip 7.  All free Roman citizens who were not members of the patrician, senatorial or equestrian classes are called as Plebeian Triumvirate Tribune 8. Lupercalia fest happens during February 12 February 14 February

UG TRB English - Unit wise Mock Test - Unit 2

UG TRB English Unit wise Mock Test  Unit 2 1. ASSSERTATION : Revenge is a kind of Wild justice. Reason 1 : It over rides the law. Reason 2 : It hinders the glory of a man to pass by an offence. Reason 3: It is irrevocable Reason 1 is the apt reason for the given asssertation Reason 2 is the apt reason for the given asssertation Reason 3 is  the apt reason for the given asssertation 2. As per Bacon's Of Studies a.To improve concentration - (i).  Read philosophers b.To improve our ability to discern  - (ii). Read Mathematics  c. To improve our ability to speak accordingly - (iii). Read Lawyers a - (i)   b - (iii)  c - (ii) a - (ii)  b - (i)  c - (iii) a - (iii) b - (i)  c - (ii) 3.  Where was Charles Lamb sitting throughout his dream in his essay ' Dream Children'. Living room Sofa On his bed Bachelor Arm Chair 4. The character Sir Roger De Coverley was created by Richard Steel Joseph Addison Both Steel and Addison 5. He has a small estate of his own and he is the