UG TRB English Unit 6 Mock Test

UG TRB English
Unit 6
Mock Test

1. Choose the correct one(s)
i. Non-violence is not greater than and superior to brute force.
ii.Non-violence affords the fullest protection to one's self-respect and sense of honour and it is a better bulwark than the possession of armed men to defend any possession.
iii.Individuals or nations who would practice non-violence must be prepared to sacrifice their all except honour.
iv. It gives assistance in the defence of ill-gotten gains and immoral acts.

only i

ii and iii

ii and iv

2. According to Gandhiji, 'Rightly taken, food sustains the body; rightly practiced non-violence sustains the 




3. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan in his 'The World Community' quoted from Shakespeare's

Richard III

Edward II 

Richard II

4. According to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, nationalism

has hold of all people's mind

is the will of the people who abstain racial discrimination

has lost its drive

5. Select the sentence which has the meaning of 'austere'

He beautifully expressed his love to her

The monk led a strict way of life to attain his goal.

The family went to temple in an auspicious day.

6. "Prayer made possible a communion of the spirit between people" Who said?


Abdul Kalam

Pakshi Lakshmana Shastry

7. Sri Aurobindo's ' The Tiger and Deer' is composed in

Free quantitative verse

Free Accentual Verse

Octosyllabic couplets

8. I dreamed my ......... had ransomed thee,




9. In the poem 'Evening Wheat', the golden wheat and emerald rice shows the

Colourful beautiful landscape of evening time

Richness of the agricultural landscape

The poet's longing for his childhood memories 

10. Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa was written in 

Blank verse

Free verse

Quantitative verse

11. Kamala Das's ' An Introduction' is taken from her poetic collection 'Summer in Calcutta'. That poetic collection is about

Women's identity crisis

Self love

love and pain that follows betrayal 

12. It is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in two or more neighbouring words or syllables.




13. Who is the beautiful woman in the colourful sari who enters the temple at the beginning of the play?

Rani is the woman and the flames are the saree

The story is the woman and the song is the saree

Kurudawa is the woman and story is the saree

14. Girish Karnard dedicated his play ' Naga Mandala' to 



His wife

15. Bravely Fought the Queen, On a Muggy Night in Mumbai, Tara were plays written by

Vijay Tendulkar

Mahesh Dattani

Mulk Raj Anand

16. Dance Like a Man is about

the love story of a husband and wife

Never ending story

the clash between tradition and personal aspirations

17. When Banare returns to the room, she sings about 

a parrot and its friend a sparrow

the love life of Kashikar

her new found love 

18. The first witness of the court swears upon 

Bhagavad Geeta

Holy Bible

Oxford English Dictionary 

19. Mulk Raj Anand was the recipient of

Padma Vibhushan

Padma Bhushan

Padma Sri

20. Seth Prabha Dayal was running a 

Toy factory

Pickle factory

Newspaper company 

21. Swaminathan, Samuel, Shankar, Somu and Mani were the students of

Malgudi Government Hr.Sec.School

National School of Malgudi

Albert Mission School

22. In 'Swami and Friends' who is known as the uncle of the class




23. How many novels of Chetan Bhagat have been adapted into films




24. This is not the theme of The 3 Mistakes of my Life



Identity and self discovery

25. The train burning incident mentioned in The 3 Mistakes of my Life was taken place in real life in




Answer and Explanation: 


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