UG TRB English Unit 7 Mock Test

UG TRB English
Unit 7
Mock Test

1. According to Robert Willson Lynd, who had so bad a memory that he could always read an old book as though he had never read it before.

Robert Willson Lynd


The English Novelist 

2. The pseudonym of Robert Wilson Lynd is

Rob Will

Mary Rose

Y Y Lynd

3. Russel cites some leaders as the examples of leaders who can successfully combine knowledge and wisdom. Choose the leader who was not mentioned by him.

Queen Elizabeth I of England

Henry IV of England

Abraham Lincoln

4. According to Russel, wise person possess




5. Forester prefers

Nazi way

Democratic way

Republic way

6. According to E M Forster 

i. Forster agree with those people who believe that love is needed to rebuild civilization.
ii. He admitted that love is a great force in private life.
iii. Tolerance is very dull and boring and negative but it is the sound state of mind needed after the war.

Only one statement is correct and other two statements are wrong

All statements are correct

Two statements are correct and one statement is wrong.

7. Stevenson's An Apology for Idlers was published in

Cornhill magazine

New York Times

Everrent Magazine 

8. In his 'An Apology for Idlers' he

scolds blind devotion to professionalism

encourages hard working

shows his bitter thoughts about people those who are lazy

9. On Finding Things is about 

Theme of worthiness

Theme of happiness

Theme of good fortune

10. It is Lucas' favourite finds

Golden brooch


Rubber stamps

11. Choose the correct one

Lucas feels guilty about finding small amounts of money and keeping it

Lucas feels elated that he has found things on his travels and considers himself lucky to have done so.

He like to be the victim of a hoax

12. A truant is wandering along open places, because Nature is an/a

Large sea

High mountain

Open book

13. According to E M Forster, ......... is needed for any construction and reconstruction.


Sound state of mind


14. According to Russel, If knowledge is the gathering of facts and information, wisdom is 

the way of study and experience

the dangerous one without knowledge

the application and use of knowledge to generate value

15. Robert Willson Lynd has little knowledge about

Indian Cuckoo

African Cuckoo

Wild Cuckoo 

16. The temperate valley had how many trees on the low sky




17. The Magus saw a 

Black horse

White horse 

Brown horse

18. "And the old dog sleeper
Alone between nurses and swans
While the boys among willows
Made the tigers jump out of their eyes" These lines are taken from

The Hunchback in the Park

The Journey of Magi

An Introduction

19. The play ' Under Milk Wood ' was written by

Dylen Thomas

T. S. Eliot

G. B. Shaw

20. Candida belongs to

pleasant plays

unpleasant plays

none of the above

21. This play of Shaw deals with the theme of conflict over a women's decision to choose between her husband and the passionate poet?

Major Barbara


Arms and the Man

22. In Mrs. Dolloway, when Clarrisa met her old suitor.

When returning from a flower shop

During her evening party at her home

When going for a walk

23. Choose the correct one.

Clarissa had a book in her hands when Peter Walsh makes an unexpected visit.

Clarrisa had influenza

Doris Kilman went to Bread Street after having tea with Elizabeth.

24. i. Treasure Island was written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
ii. It is an adventurous story and a historical fiction.

statement i is correct.

statment ii is correct

both statements are correct.

25.Whom does Silver took as a hostage?




Answer and Explanation


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