UG TRB English Unit 4 Mock Test

UG TRB English
Unit 4
Mock Test

1. The Solitary Reaper starts with a / an




2. Behold her, single in the field,
Yon solitary Highland Lass!

'Yon' means?




3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Kubla Khan was disturbed by

Person from london

Person from Porlock

Person from Norfolk

4. The manuscript of Kubla Khan is known as

Crewe manuscript

Taylor's manuscript

Can manuscript

5. Ode to the Nightingale was published in

Annals of the Unique arts

Annals of the Village arts

Annals of the Fine arts

6. 'One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:'
are lines taken from

Ode to Psyche

Ode to a Nightingale

Ode to Autumn

7. Ozymandias was the name of the paroah

Ramesses II

Ramesses I

Ramesses III

8. "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Where was the lines written?

On the visage

On the pedestal

On the crown

9. 'Sardello' was written by

Robert Browning

P B Shelley

John Keats

10. This lady is the deceased Duchess in 'My Last Dutchess'




11. Hopkins called the individuality of every natural thing as




12. In the poem 'God's Grandeur' God's presence was not compared to

Electrical current

Rich oil


13. Who has helped Hazlitt to become a reporter



Charles Lamb

14. Who has published the famous round table essays in the paper  'Examiner'?

Thomas Cowley

Leigh Hunt

William Hazlitt

Ans: William Hazlitt

15. ' Spoon Feeding' wad written by

W R Inge

William Langland

William Hazlitt

Ans: W R Inge

16. The full name of W R Inge is

William Ralph Inge

William Rodolph Inge

Wokeman Rodolph Inge

17. 'Of King's Treasuries' is about

Wealth of Kings

The Gold in Kingdom


18. ' Of King's Treasuries' is from

Sesame and Lillies Lecture I

Sesame and Lillies Lecture II

Sesame and Lillies Lecture III

19. John Ruskin divides books into

3 types

4 types

5 types

20. Waiting for Godot is 

One act play

Two act play

Three act play

21. At act 1, when Estragon was hungry Vladimir gave him a




22. Pozzo orders Lucky to

Think and Sing

Dance and Think

Dance and Sing

23.Where was the hatching and conditioning centre located in Brave New World

South London

Central London

North London

24. In Brave New World who vaccinates embryos destined for tropical climates.

Lenina Crowne

Henry Foster

Bernard Marx


The learning of lessons during sleep

Dreaming about learning while sleeping

The learning which affects sleeping



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