UG TRB English Unit 5 Mock Test

UG TRB English
Unit 5
Mock Test

1. According to Emerson, which is the way to greatness?

Identifying the originality of thought

Imitating what others belive

Walking on the path of great thinkers

2. The original typed manuscript of the speech ' I Have a Dream' was with whom for a long time?

Martin Kepyers

Geroge Raveling

Mahalia Jackson

3. He has called The Gettysburg Address as ' monumental act'.

Abraham Lincoln

Senetor Charles Sumnor

Colonel Alexander Bliss

4. From which chapter of  Walden Pond by H D Thoreau the excerpt 'The Battle of Ants' was taken

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

5. According to Emerson, the scholar is 

Man doing

Man studying

Man thinking

6. West Running Brook was written by

R W Emerson

Robert Frost

T S Eliot

7. "The word of the sweetest song and all songs,
That strong and delicious word which, creeping to my feet" These lines are taken from

Out of the Cradle, Endlessly Rocking

I Felt a Funeral


8. The final word of " I felt a funeral, in my brain"

Going numb

Finished knowing


9. H W Longfellow compares Nature to a

Beautiful lady

Fond mother

Worse enemy

10. This character was brought back to life after three days in the tomb

Sylvia Plath

Lady Joe

Lady Lazarus

11. Carl Sandberg found the real meaning of happiness from

A crowd of Hungarian

A businessman

A Teacher

12. When was Bhrama by R W Emerson published

November 1857

October 1857

September 1857

13. She is Willy Loman's wife




14. Tom Winfield's mother is




15. Fortunato makes a hand movement that is a secret sign of

the masons

the stonemason

the spies

16. O' Henry's 'Let me Feel Your Pulse' was first published in the Cosmopolitan magazine under the title

Adventures and misadventures

Adventures of the holy town

Adventures in neurasthenia

17. The real name of O' Henry is

William Sidney Henry

William Sidney Henderson

William Sidney Porter

18. Hans Christian Andersen is a/an

Danish Poet and Author

English Poet and Author

American Poet and Author 

19. The Little Matchgirl also known as

The Little Girl of Fire

The Little Matchstick Girl

The Random Story

20. She is a precious burden to Mrs. Thompson




21. Why the villagers were not ready to take care of Maggie

As she was ill tempered

As she was crippled

As her mother was drunkard

22. The Scarlet Letter is about

A sick lover's love letter

guilt, revenge, and redemption in colonial America

The Plea to Freedom

23. The main character of The Scarlet Letter is

Hester Pyne


Josh Will

24.Beloved was a novel written by

Tony Morrison

Nathaniel Hawthorne

T S Arthur

25. When was the novel 'Beloved' published




Answer and Explanation


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