UG TRB English - Unit Wise Mock Test - Unit 3

UG TRB English
Unit Wise Mock Test
Unit 3

1. " He knew small Latin and less Greek" is a comment about Shakespeare by

Robert Greene

Ben Johnson

Samuel Johnson

2. Shakespeare acquainted himself with

Lord Chamberlain's company

Lord Admiral's company

Drury Lane acting troop

3.  As per noted in the 1609 collection of Shakespeare's sonnets by Thomas Thrope, who is regarded as the " onlie begetter" of the sonnets

William Herbert

Thomas Thrope

Mr W H

4. Shakespearean sonnet is divided into 

Four parts

Three parts

Two parts

5. Who mocked the cult of Shakespeare worship as "bardolatry"?

Thomas Carlyle 

G B Shaw


" I admire Johnson, but I love Shakespeare"

6.  Lupercal Race involves

Lamb skin whip

Goatskin Whip

Jute Whip

7.  All free Roman citizens who were not members of the patrician, senatorial or equestrian classes are called as




8. Lupercalia fest happens during

February 12

February 14

February 15

9. "This was the noblest Roman of them all". Who?

Julius Caesar

Mark Antony


Explanation: Antony on seeing dead Brutus.

10. When the soothsayer warns Ceasar of the Ids of March, what did Ceasar remark about him?




11. This character in the Macbeth was depicted by Shakespeare inorder to praise the ancestry of King James 1.




12.  When does the Witches decides to meet Macbeth

"When the fair is foul and foul is fair"

"when the battle's lost and won"

"the long of winter's day"

13. At the time of Witches's encounter with Macbeth he was

Thane of Cawdor

Thane of Glamis

Future king of Scotland

14.  Whom Macbeth announces as the Chief Guest of the banquet

King Duncan



15. According to Malcom, the King of England's magical power is

He could summon angels

He could cure sick men by just touching them with his fingers

He could fly

16. Hippolyta was a/an

Amazonian Queen

Brazilian Queen

Indian Queen

17. Hermia is 

Lysander's daughter

Egeus's daughter

Theseus's daughter

18. Nick Bottom was a/an




19.  The juice which makes the people fall in love in A Midsummer Night's Dream is

Apple juice

Pansy juice

Sunflower juice

20. Who famously said that Shakespeare was "not of an age, but for all time?"

Anderw Marvell

Ben Johnson

John Milton

21. Henry Bolingbroke is

Duke of Milan

Duke of Norfolk 

Duke of Herford

22. When was the date set for Mowbray and Bolingbroke to have a formal traditional duel by Richard II

St. Lambert's Day

St. Lucius Day

St. Thomas Day

23. How many years Lord Bolingbroke was banished from England at first?

6 years

11 years

10 years

24. Who was the king before Richard II?

James I

Henry IV

Edward III

25. Henry Bolingbroke is also

Prince Hal

Henry VIII

King Henry IV

Answer key and explanation


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