Ten Important Grammar rules to master English


Here you can learn ten important rules in Subject - Verb agreement. By knowing these rules, you can make your English better.


# A verb has to agree in number with its subject.
The list of candies was long.
The lists of candies were long.

# A pronoun has to agree in number with its antecedent.

Even an insect has its own place.
Even insects have their own place.

Exception: After 'you' ( when referring singular too) - a plural verb is always used.

You were very helpful to me.

RULE 2: 

# The verb has to agree with its true subject and not with any intervening plural.

The box of biscuits is missing.


# Subjects joined by 'and' are usually plural and take plural verbs.

His bag and my box were stolen.

Exception:  If it refers to the same person or thing, a singular verb is used.

My guide and friend has changed his mind again.

When the two subjects connected by 'and' are preceded by 'each', 'every' or 'many', a singular verb is used.


# Words like with, together with, along with, besides, as well as, including, in addition to, etc. do not affect the number of the verb.

Nandhini, with her son and daughter, is going to the theatre this afternoon.


#When the subject is made up of both singular and plural words connected by or, nor, either....or, neither.......nor, not only......but also, the verb agrees with the nearer part of the subject.

Neither the quantity nor the prices have changed.
Neither the prices nor the quantity has changed.


#Subject consists of two singular words connected by or, neither.....nor, either......or - singular verb has to be used.

Either Saturday or Sunday is a good day.


#Nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning usually take singular verb.
Eg: news, measles, mumps, physics, electronics, economics, physics....

Physics is my favourite subject.


#A linking verb usually agrees with its subject.

Excessive absences were the reason for his failure.
The reason of his failure was excessive absences.


#Some nouns that have no singular form, such as proceeds, goods, ashes, remains, credentials, premises etc. for them plural verb has to be used.

The goods are being sent today by goods train.

RULE 10: 

# When the group acts as a unit, the verb should be singular.

The committee has agreed to submit the report.


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